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Aksaray Museum

Aksaray Museum is an important cultural and tourism center presenting the rich history and cultural heritage of Cappadocia. The collections inside the museum present traces of the history of the region and various civilizations to visitors. The museum, which was first opened in Zinciriye Madrasa in 1969, moved to its current building in 2006. In 2014, the exhibited works were rearranged in chronological order.

The museum building has three floors and was built with inspiration from the dome concept of Anatolian Seljuk architecture and the fairy chimneys found in the region. The museum, which has a closed area of 2400 square meters, consists of two sections and six galleries where archaeological and ethnographic works are presented. The building, inspired by fairy chimneys, is also visually striking. The building, inspired by fairy chimneys, is also visually striking.

Aksaray Museum offers visitors the opportunity to discover the rich history and culture of the region. Among the works exhibited in the museum, there are various objects from the Hittite, Phrygian, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. These works include sculptures, mosaics, ceramics, inscriptions, jewelry and items of daily life. It is an important cultural and tourism center presenting the rich history and cultural heritage of Cappadocia. The collections inside the museum present traces of the history of the region and various civilizations to visitors. The works in the museum are organized under archaeological and ethnographic categories. While archaeological artifacts include statues, mosaics, ceramics and inscriptions from ancient times, ethnographic artifacts include traditional clothes, jewelry and objects from daily life. These works give visitors the opportunity to get to know the history and culture of the region more closely.

In addition to being an important attraction for regional tourism, Aksaray Museum is also a cultural center for the local people. The museum contributes to the survival and promotion of local culture with the events and exhibitions it organizes.

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